SEO and Referencing
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Search Engine Optimization
SEO (for search engine optimization) is the exact term for natural referencing. It is the way your web page appears in search engines. I say page because today it is not the sites that are referenced but their pages, one by one. Referencing has existed since the birth of the Internet, perhaps some will remember Lycos (the black dog), or voilà.fr, and others that have disappeared or have been absorbed by others.
Today, there are 3 main ones, Bing from Microsoft, Yahoo and of course Google. Knowing that in France and even in Europe more than 95% of internet searches are done on Google, I do not propose any SEO work for the others, it would simply be unprofitable and not interesting.
By a certain number of criteria, about 300 at Google, the referencing establishes a ranking of a web page in relation to search terms. These criteria to be well ranked are not all known and change constantly, more than 1000 changes per year. But some are more important than others, and it is on those that I work.
The evolution over the last few years
10 years ago, SEO was a curiosity reserved for geeks. Search engines were easily abused by putting keywords in the keyword tag, the number of occurrences of a term on a web page was insisted on with impunity and it was up to the one who had the best cheating tools to climb the highest on the search results.
As the years went by, Google improved its algorithms considerably. And Google hates people like me, because I do not sell Google advertising, I sell SEO, which is free and does not make money directly to the American giant.
That is why during its evolution, Google has transformed its analysis algorithms and today they have an extraordinary reading capacity close to that of a human being. In addition, web design tools, such as WordPress, and even all the others, have a basic SEO optimization from a technical point of view. Today SEO has become a much more subtle reflection, less and less technical from a computer point of view. You do not need to know how to "code" to be a good SEO. This is also why SEO is taught in communication schools and not exclusively in computer science schools.
Expertise, audit, and analysis of results
SEO expertise relies on knowing these subtleties. If you went to the website creation page, in 6 years of experience, I had time to learn some SEO subtleties.
An audit is systematic when creating a website, an audit was once a separate and unique service since web developers had no knowledge or training in SEO and therefore called on outside specialists. This is much less the case today, there are more websites on the web so more competition so more need to have a good SEO so some importance to learn it at school. Everything follows a certain logic.
I was saying today that SEO audit is systematic. An audit is not just about analyzing a website but rather the whole environment, the competition, the search trends, the volume of these searches, what expectations to make and how to reach these expectations.
I use Google Analytics to read the results of a website, basically, I inform you every month about the performance of your website, what were the searches, where did the users go, did they stay on the page in question. All this information is essential in an SEO strategy, we communicate you and month to know if my results influence your sales, I analyze all these data to see if the course chosen at the beginning was the good one and that it should continue. Or if on the contrary it is necessary to change, modify and improve some points to get closer to the objectives.

No miracle, patience, and work
Someone who sells you a first place on Google is lying. It is a bit crude to say it like that, but it is true. You cannot cheat the search engine. Imagine that only people who have friends on Google or who have worked there can reach a 1st place. This is crazy, it would mean that the Google model is based on cheating. However, if Google has become the most used search engine in the world, it is because of the relevance of its results and therefore the ability of its algorithms to think.
Thus, selling a 1st place on Google is not reasonable. I have the skills to give you an approximation of positioning on a certain term after a given time. The rest is work, the only two secrets of SEO are relevance and originality.
Time, work, and respect of a strategy defined beforehand are the best ways to expect a return on investment of an SEO strategy. Said like that, it sounds impossible. Nothing is impossible, you just need the right provider and the will.